Saturday, July 4, 2009

A slice of summer

Nothing brings back fond summer memories like a glimpse of Grandma and Grandpa's house on a beautiful summer day. For me, it conjures up walks to the Dairy Bar and helping Grandpa select just the right tomatoes to pick for supper.

Post your favorite memory for all to enjoy!


  1. My summer memory came on Memorial weekend when I smelled the combnation of gas and oil in an engine. Before our first trip to the lake my Dad would always start up the boat motor in a 50 gal barrel to make sure it was running and the smell would go through the house. MJ

  2. Everyone loved staying at Grandma and Grandpa's house during the summer! I loved picking strawberries and pulling up carrots in their huge garden. And wandering thorough the big field in their backyard. How about Heidi running down the hall in the morning to wake us up? I have so many great memories of that house, especially at Christmas time. One, two, three, rip!

  3. So many things... Going to the warehouse with Grandpa and poking around, mowing the lawn on the riding mower, making jam with Grandma, going to the dairy bar, Grandma letting me back her car out of the garage to wash it, and that cool little room downstairs (the pump room). Then there was Grandma's coffee- it would fill the house- I miss that.

  4. WJM on the radio, a trip to Crossroads, cookies for breakfast, helping to hang the wash on the line, searching for agates after supper, making "toads" out of sedum leaves and dolls out of hollyhocks; a house that was cool without air-conditioning and had an embarrassment of riches in the bathroom department, that's what I remember about Gramma and Grampa's.
